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Journal articles


“All-In or All-Out: Why insularity pushes and pulls U.S. grand strategy to extremes” (2020), Security Studies, 29(4): 701-729.


“Land Rush: American grand strategy, NATO enlargement, and the consolidation and fragmentation of European security” (2020), International Politics, 57(3): 530-553.



“Informalization of Nonproliferation: Why PSI is a problematic solution” (with Michal Onderco) (2016), The Chinese Journal of International Politics, 9(1): 81-108.


Research reports


“Good Fear, Bad Fear: How European Defence Investments Could Be Leveraged to Restart Arms Control Negotiations with Russia.” with Davis Ellison, The Hague, Netherlands: Hague Centre for Strategic Studies.


“Pathways to Disaster: Russia’s War against Ukraine and the Risks of Inadvertent Nuclear Escalation.” With Davis Ellison, and Tim Sweijs, The Hague, Netherlands: Hague Centre for Strategic Studies.



 “Not One without the Other: Realigning Deterrence and Arms Control in a European Quest for Strategic Stability.” with Lotje Boswinkel (2022) The Hague, Netherlands: Hague Centre for Strategic Studies.


"Guarding the Maritime Commons: What Role for Europe in the Indo-Pacific." with Benedetta Girardi, and Tim Sweijs (2022) The Hague Centre for Strategic Studies.


Shifting Sands of Strategic Stability: Towards a New Arms Control Agenda.” with Lotje Boswinkel, and Tim Sweijs (2022) The Hague, Netherlands: Hague Centre for Strategic Studies.


“Preventing the (Un)Thinkable: Escalation Scenarios and Risk Reduction Measures for Russia and NATO Following the War in Ukraine.” with Daan Sanders and Tim Sweijs (2022) The Hague, Netherlands: Hague Centre for Strategic Studies.



 “Surviving the Deadly Skies: Integrated Air and Missile Defence 2021-2035.” with Lotje Boswinkel (2022) The Hague, Netherlands: The Hague Centre For Strategic Studies.


"Strengthening deterrence against nuclear, conventional, and hybrid threats Strengths, weaknesses, and insights for US allies in Europe and Asia." with Tim Sweijs and Philip Geurts (2022) The Hague, Netherlands: The Hague Centre For Strategic Studies.


Raising the Costs of Access: Active Denial Strategies by Small and Middle Powers against Revisionist Aggression.” with Nora Nijboer, and Tim Sweijs (2021) The Hague, Netherlands: The Hague Centre For Strategic Studies.


Book chapters 

2023 (forthcoming)

“State of Denial: the upcoming age of great power competition over economic and military access” in The Future of War after the War in Ukraine, edited by Jeffrey R. Michaels and Tim Sweijs



"Every Which Way But Loose: The United States, NATO Enlargement, European Strategic Autonomy and Fragmentation.” In Evaluating NATO Enlargement: From Cold War Victory to the Russia-Ukraine War, edited by James Goldgeier and Joshua R. Itzkowitz Shifrinson, 415–53. Cham: Springer International Publishing.



"U.S. extended deterrence”, Deterrence in the 21st Century—Insights from Theory and PracticePublisher: T.M.C. Asser Press, The Hague


"Europe May Be Done with Power, but Power Is Not Done with Europe: Europe During an Era of American Unipolarity and of Relative Decline", with Annette Freyberg-Inan in Fear and Uncertainty in Europe: The Return to Realism? Eds: Roberto Belloni, Vincent Della Sala, Paul Viotti. Palgrave Macmillan.


Online articles


China and the Indo-Pacific in the 2022 NATO Strategic Concept",  Atlantisch Perspectief


“Europa in de Indo-Pacific: moeilijk te vermijden en moeilijk uit te voeren”, Atlantisch Perspectief



"Transatlantic relations after four years of Trumpism: a postmortem", Atlantisch Perspectief.



“Eindtijden: trans-Atlantische betrekkingen 75 jaar na het einde van de oorlog”, Atlantisch Perspectief.



"Erosion, then Collapse: The end of the US-led liberal global order", Atlantisch Perspectief.



"Big plus small plus small. The future of European defense integration", Atlantisch Perspectief.



"The renationalization of foreign policy and international order", Atlantisch Perspectief. 


"Te veel vraagtekens voor vrede en veiligheid. Europese veiligheid en afhankelijkheid van de VS", Atlantisch Perspectief .


"The Long Shadow : victory, defeat, and grand strategy", Atlantisch Perspectief .


"Multipolarity, Multilateralism, and Strategic Competition", GR:EEN-GEM Doctoral Working Paper Series






"Don't knock yourself out: how America can turn the tables on China by giving up the fight for command of the seas", War on the Rocks



“Too much, too soon: American ambitions, NATO enlargement, and European security”. H-Diplo | ISSF.

“Roundtable 11-17 on Atomic Assurance: The Alliance Politics of Nuclear Proliferation”. H-Diplo | ISSF.



“Alliances in the 21st Century”, Oxford Bibliographies in International Relations. 


“Grand Strategy”, Oxford Bibliographies in International Relations.

 2016. Paul van Hooft

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